Striving for a neurodiversity-affirming world.
Welcome to our learning platform for educators, parents, and mental health professionals, featuring Emily Kircher-Morris! Emily is host of The Neurodiversity Podcast, author of Teaching Twice-Exceptional Learners in Today’s Classroom and Raising Twice-Exceptional Children: A Handbook for Parents of Neurodivergent Gifted Kids, renowned international presenter, and neurodiversity-affirming clinical mental health counselor.
The Neurodiversity University features a variety of courses, helpful videos, and learning materials, designed to help you better serve and advocate for neurodivergent people. Much of the content will be free, and covers a range of subjects in various aspects and areas of neurodiversity. Thank you for visiting!
Foundations of Dyslexia for Educators
Available for individual self-study or with a site license for schools.
This course is a 4+ hour multimedia presentation by Emily Kircher-Morris, which includes videos, activities/discussions, and case studies. Foundations of Dyslexia for Educators comes in multiple formats, including a self-study version and a facilitator model. It’s a great tool for professional development and continuing education credits, with a certificate of completion provided. If you work in a school or district and are interested in learning about options for providing this course to your staff, please contact us here.
Sign up for the self-study course today.
We will continue to add new curriculum for teachers, parents, and mental health professionals, some completely free. Watch for it!
Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students
Available for independent study, and for school district CE/PD
This is a course for teachers and administrators, called Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students. It’s a multimedia presentation, combining videos, printable support documents, audio and video clips of experts in the field of gifted education, and case studies of actual students.
There are six different modules that cover a variety of topics - from best practices of identification, to supporting executive function skills, to understanding the needs of the various diagnoses of twice-exceptional students - and it comes in three versions. One is for in-house professional development for teachers, which includes a printable facilitator’s guide with instructions for conducting the training in a classroom setting. Another is a site license for school districts, so they can designate a number of teachers to take it as a self-study course. (Each teacher is provided login credentials so they can work through the course independently.) And finally, the course is available in independent study form for teachers looking for their own continuing education material, or parents who would like to learn how to better advocate for their twice-exceptional kids.
Download our Course Objectives (syllabus) PDF for an outline of the curriculum included, and click here to talk to us about getting the course for you or your school district. If you prefer, call us at (929) 445-8255.
Books by Emily Kircher-Morris
Teaching Twice-Exceptional Learners in Today’s Classroom (Free Spirit Publishing)
Twice-exceptional (2e) learners have often been misunderstood, disciplined, unchallenged, and left behind. Even as awareness of 2e learners has grown, educators are still in need of practical tools to recognize and support their twice-exceptional students. This book answers that need, providing teachers with accessible information about twice-exceptional diagnoses and suggested accommodations, modifications, and collaboration with other educational professionals.
A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers (Gifted Unlimited, LLC)
A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children (2007), the quintessential compendium of raising gifted children, has been revised! In this new edition, coauthors Edward R. Amend Psy.D., Emily Kircher-Morris, LPC, and Janet Gore, M.Ed. reinforce the reliable approaches originally explored in the first edition, while drawing extensively on the wealth of research and information developed over the last 15 years in the areas of neuroscience, psychology, and education. Our children are navigating a world that in many crucial ways is quite different from the one that existed in 2007. The new Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children includes issues of social media, screen time, LGBTQ, and bullying. For gifted children however, many of the needs remain the same- advocacy, educational planning, access to true peers, and more. Rich in information and strategies, this edition will be referred to time and time again whether you are entirely new to gifted, completing your “active” parenting days, or supporting a gifted grandchild, student, or client.
Raising Twice-Exceptional Children: A Handbook for Parents of Neurodivergent Gifted Kids (Routledge)
Just because a child is gifted doesn't mean they don't have other types of neurodivergence, like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and more. Conversely, even children with one of these diagnoses can be cognitively gifted. Raising Twice-Exceptional Children provides parents with a roadmap to understand the complex makeup of their "gifted-plus," or twice-exceptional, child or teen.
The Neurodiversity Podcast
The world needs neurodiversity. The gifted brains, unusual talents, and fresh perspective of neurodivergent people drive innovation and change things for the better. The Neurodiversity Podcast introduces you to these brilliant, quirky, amazing people, and brings you thought-provoking conversations with leaders in psychology, education, and technology, as we work to broaden the definition of normal.
We launched in 2018, and are now in the top one-half of one percent of all podcasts in the world. Our efforts are a relentless push for a neurodiversity-affirming world, and the podcast was the spark that started it all.
Emily Kircher-Morris has provided training services for some of the world’s best organizations…

“Emily Kircher-Morris was amazing discussing the social/emotional needs of gifted kids. We need her to be teaching these strategies to other classroom teachers.”
—Presentation Attendee
"We've developed our entire year-long PD goal based on Emily's presentation. She helped us understand our 2e learners in a new way."
—School Administrator
“Awesome!! I believe when people stress the 'underserved' population, we immediately think of minorities & immigrants. Rarely do we think of the 2Es. Thanks for shining a light on the values of our twice exceptional students!”
—Marilyn McGrath, keynote attendee
“Learning [how] executive function affects 2e learners was very insightful for me. I thought about some of my students who I struggle with sometimes, and while they may not be diagnosed, I was able to better understand how to work with them rather than against them all the time.”